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Tips to Break the Paycheck-to-Paycheck Cycle

By: American Heritage07.27.23 Savings & Budgeting
Between the rising cost of groceries, gas, and general life expenses, it can be hard to stay on top of all your bills, let alone get ahead. If you’re struggling to make your money last until your next payday, you’re not alone. This survey found that more Americans than ever are living paycheck to paycheck – including a third of people who make six figures a year.

What Happens If I Miss a Loan Payment?

By: Holly Benedetto07.20.23 Credit Home & Mortgage
Life is unpredictable. An emergency, unexpected illness, or a bout of forgetfulness can all end in a missed loan payment. While missing a single payment may come with unwanted consequences like fees or penalties, it will not result in financial ruin. Stay calm and keep reading to learn what happens if you miss a loan payment.

Is Now the Right Time to Buy Out My Auto Lease?

By: American Heritage07.13.23 Auto
These days, the used car market is greased lightning, with prices soaring by 44% over the last five years. As your lease comes to an end, you’ll find yourself at a crossroads: Should you return the car for a different model or buy out your lease to own the car you’ve already got? In this article, we’ll help you determine which route to take.

How to Use a Secured Credit Card as a Stepping-Stone to Better Credit

By: Kirstin Wilson07.06.23 Credit Product Spotlight
If you’re new to borrowing, your first step is to establish credit. Secured credit cards can be an alternative to unsecured credit cards with the same conveniences. Secured credit cards are designed to help borrowers take positive steps towards financial freedom. The best candidates for secured credit cards are high-risk borrowers, those with damaged or insufficient credit history, those who are just starting out with credit, and those looking to avoid overspending.
A stack of cash on top of a laptop keyboard.

How to Save Your First $1,000

By: Holly Benedetto06.22.23 Savings & Budgeting
There are many reasons why it feels difficult to save money. Economic circumstances, debts, emergencies, or impulse purchases can all wreak havoc on our savings accounts—or prevent us from building our savings in the first place. Tracking where your money is going is the first step to saving more of it. Continue reading to learn strategies for saving based on your individual challenges.

Retirement or College: Which Savings Goal Comes First?

By: American Heritage06.15.23 Education Investing & Retirement
As every parent knows, juggling is part of the job. When it comes to financial matters, though, knowing which ball to keep airborne is not always clear. Case in point: Should you prioritize saving for retirement or for your child's college education? Financial planning is similar to parenting in that the decisions are complex and not always straightforward. While the best choice for you will depend upon your unique situation and needs, a few general considerations can help you create an informed strategy.

How Debit Cards and Credit Cards are Different

By: American Heritage06.08.23 Credit
On the surface, debit cards and credit cards look alike, with a chip and a magnetic stripe, your financial institution's logo, and the card network (like Visa or Mastercard). They both give you a convenient way to make purchases online and in stores. So, what are the differences?

Top 5 Things to do this June Around Philadelphia

By: Nicholas Franks06.01.23 Culture
Days get longer, nights become shorter, and extra time with friends and family is just beginning. As entrepreneur Michael Altshuler once said, “The bad news is time flies. The good news is you’re the pilot.” It’s your choice today to be the pilot or a passenger. Thankfully, we’ve made it easy to help you narrow down your options where to land the plane! Check out the top things you can do this June in the greater Philadelphia area.
Senior couple signing paperwork with agent

What Happens When You Refinance Your Home Loan?

By: American Heritage05.25.23 Home & Mortgage
This could be the right time for you to refinance your home loan. You’ve had the same mortgage for several years now, and you’ve built up home equity. What will happen when you refinance? How do you get this process started, and what does it include? Here’s what you need to know about the process of refinancing your home loan.

Top 5 Things to do this May in the Greater Philadelphia Area

By: Nicholas Franks05.11.23 Culture
Spring weather is finally here, so now it’s time to hang up that winter jacket that you’ve been telling yourself that you’re going to put away for the last several weeks. Take your allergy medication and head out to meetup with friends you haven’t seen in a while at a local restaurant or a backyard fire. There are many things to do around the Delaware Valley this month and we hope that this list will give you some ideas!
password blog

Tips to Protect Yourself Online for World Password Day and Every Day

By: Kevin McNamara05.09.23 Security
In the last five to ten years, large scale data breaches appear to be getting ever more common. It seems like every week, another news story breaks about a large company that fell victim of a data breach. These breaches see millions of users’ personal information compromised, often including usernames and passwords, either encrypted, or in the worst cases, in plain text. While there is little that can be done from a user perspective to prevent data breaches from websites, there are ways to protect yourself from cyber threats, including using strong and unique passwords.
Mortgage application and house key

What Do the New Loan-Level Pricing Adjustments (LLPAs) Mean for Mortgage Rates?

By: Holly Benedetto05.04.23 Home & Mortgage Policy & Economy
You may have seen in the news that there is a “new” tax for mortgage borrowers with higher credit scores. Before we get into things, know this: You will not get a better deal on a mortgage rate if your credit score is lower. Don’t ruin your credit score for a myth. Continue reading to understand the facts and the whys surrounding these fee adjustments.
What is PMI

What is PMI?

By: American Heritage04.27.23 Home & Mortgage
Private mortgage insurance (PMI) is an often-overlooked cost that homeowners may need to pay when buying a home with a conventional mortgage or refinancing that loan. Understanding PMI can help you to avoid paying it or saving money in the long term. Here’s what you need to know.
woman grocery shopping

52 Eco-Friendly Tips to Improve Your Finances

By: American Heritage04.20.23 Culture
Earth Day is celebrated by billions of people around the globe each year on April 22. In honor of this year’s theme, “Invest in Our Planet,” we’ve compiled a list of 52 eco-friendly ways you can help the planet every week. These Earth Day ideas can help you conserve water and energy, reduce your carbon footprint, and improve the environment for future generations—plus, they’ll help you save money while you make a positive impact!
Teaching kids about money

Teaching Kids About Money: 7 Mistakes to Avoid

By: American Heritage04.13.23 Education
Financial literacy is an essential life skill that lays the groundwork for a successful future. As parents, grandparents, or guardians, it’s crucial to teach children about money management since that’s often not covered in schools. To help you guide your little ones on this important journey, we've compiled a list of seven common mistakes to avoid when teaching your kids about money.
man measuring a counter

Things to Consider Before Accessing Your Home Equity

By: American Heritage03.30.23 Home & Mortgage
Home is where the heart is … and it can also be a valuable source of low-cost funds you can use for just about anything. If you’re a homeowner who’s built up equity in your home, you may have the opportunity to access affordable financing through a home equity loan or line of credit (HELOC). Here are some things to consider before tapping into your equity.



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