The best way to make college affordable is to start saving as soon as possible. And the best way to build your college fund is with a tax-advantaged account or savings plan, which can help you grow your savings faster and keep more money available for what’s important: your child’s education.
Credit cards are a valuable tool for building credit, making large purchases, or earning rewards. Still, a tool this powerful must be used carefully to prevent avoidable or unmanageable amounts of debt. If you ever find yourself in deeper than expected, don’t worry – there are several ways to tackle credit card debt, one way being debt consolidation.
If you’re looking for a simple solution that offers both steady earnings and protection for your funds, an IRA certificate could be right for you. While you may not have heard of this type of account, you’re probably familiar with the two accounts it combines: an individual retirement account (IRA) and a certificate (the credit union equivalent of a bank CD). Here’s why an IRA certificate could be a smart approach to your retirement savings.
Every January, people across the world set New Year’s resolutions — from saving money to losing 15 pounds, the start of a new year is a chance to plan for the future and reach new milestones. One resolution that should be at the top of your list? Retirement planning.
Choosing a partner to support your financial planning is one of the best ways to accomplish more with your money, reach important goals, and stay prepared for the future.
Is your home feeling a little cluttered? Want to get through the holidays, or start the new year, with a little extra cash in your pocket? If there are unused or seldom-used items taking up space in your home, consider selling them. Whether you’re purging your attic, decluttering your whole house, or getting ready to move, periodically selling off old things helps you simplify your lifestyle while earning quick cash – sometimes more than you might expect.
You have a right to privacy and having your secure information protected from prying eyes. But why is privacy so important? You may think that you have nothing to hide or that your life is not interesting enough to be kept a secret. However, a carefree mentality can lead to identity theft, stolen banking information, unauthorized account access, and more.
By: Holly Benedetto12.10.19
Don't get stuck in the snow this season! It's important to get your vehicle ready for heavy weather as soon as temperatures start to drop, since you never know when the next storm will hit. Not sure where to start? Use these ten steps as a checklist towards safer winter driving.
By: American Heritage12.05.19
Think about everything you buy each month. Now, imagine if each dollar you spent helped you earn something you really want – like an awesome vacation, designer handbag, or more money in your pocket. In addition to the convenience and security they provide, debit and credit cards may let you earn valuable rewards like these. But there are some important facts you should know in order to choose the card that’s best for you.
By: American Heritage11.21.19
The fact is, the average American can easily spend between $800 – $1000 on the holidays each year. Unfortunately, many people don’t save in advance and put it all on the credit card. This leaves them with a savings shortfall, or worse, a large credit card balance that they’ll be paying off well into the following year. The good news is that you can avoid these traps with a little planning and by applying these six holiday budgeting tips.
By: American Heritage11.14.19
The holidays are one of the most enjoyable times of the year. But if you’re like many of us, they may also be one of the most expensive. Whether you’re heading out of town or heading to the mall, the cost of gifts, travel, and entertaining can leave you in the red come January. The secret is to start saving for the holidays as soon as possible.
It’s the season of pumpkin spice, Thanksgiving feasts – and big grocery bills. If you’re looking to make the most of your time with family and friends, while saving money on food, shopping for groceries online could be your solution.
By: Holly Benedetto10.31.19
With so many types of credit cards on the market, it’s more important than ever to find the right card for you. Since credit card features are fairly easy to compare and contrast in a grid format, it should be easy to figure out what the best card is, right? But, as it turns out, there is no such thing as the “best” card for all credit card users. What determines the best card for you is the type of spender you are, how often you pay off your balances, and how you like to be rewarded.
Few things are as important as our relationships with friends and family. The last thing you want is for money issues to get between you and your loved ones. While it’s a wonderful thing to be there for a friend, awkward money dilemmas can put your relationships in jeopardy if you aren’t careful. Here are a few common situations you may encounter, and ways to handle them.
As adults, the ways that we spend, save, and manage our money can be serious business. But as kids, this doesn’t have to be the case. Whether your child is taking their first steps or saving for their first big purchase, teaching children about money often works best when you add some fun and games to the experience.
It’s easy to put off saving for retirement. Everyday expenses like rent and groceries take precedence over something that’s decades away. And other savings goals like a new car or a down payment on a house are more exciting (and feel more tangible) than retirement. But starting to save for retirement when you’re young will make saving enough money to enjoy a comfortable retirement much easier. Here's why.
By: American Heritage10.03.19
Becoming an adult opens up a world of new opportunities, as well as new financial responsibilities. Fortunately, there are a few straightforward ways to start building credit when you’re young, solutions that can work even if you have little or no credit history.
By: Holly Benedetto09.26.19
Earlier this month, patients at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) welcomed the newest member of the hospital staff: not a new doctor or nurse, but rather a two foot tall robot. The robot, called NAO, was donated by American Heritage's Kids-N-Hope Foundation.
Planning for your personal assets and end-of-life decisions is one of the most important things you can do for your family – and your finances. If you are putting off creating your estate plan, it’s time to stop procrastinating. When you understand estate planning essentials, and have the right professional guidance, the process can be relatively quick and straightforward.
When things are going well, it’s easy to forget that emergencies and hard times can happen. And it’s even easier to put off preparing for them. That may be one reason that so few people have money saved for emergencies. Just 40% of Americans have enough set aside to cover a $1,000 emergency expense.