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What the Second Stimulus Package Means for Americans

By: American Heritage01.07.21 Coronavirus Pandemic Policy & Economy
For nearly ten months, Americans have been feeling the effects of a lockdown designed to slow the spread of COVID-19. Unfortunately, the livelihoods of many were impacted by these lockdowns as small businesses, hospitality, live entertainment, and other industries closed their doors. Payment Protection Program Loans and unemployment benefits helped shoulder some of the burden, but many Americans were and are still struggling.
boy sitting at table looking at laptop for school

Preparing for (Virtual) Back to School this Fall

By: Holly Benedetto08.20.20 Education Coronavirus Pandemic
School transitioning to online-only or a hybrid environment last semester may have caught you and your students off guard. Going from a dedicated classroom environment to staying home, distractions and all, can affect a student’s morale, grades, and mental health. Add in parents and siblings who may also be working or learning at home, the school year and summer vacation blending together, and the absence of a teacher’s watchful eye, and you have a recipe for a poor learning experience.

Things to Do in Summer 2020

By: Holly Benedetto06.18.20 Culture Coronavirus Pandemic
So, this summer isn’t going exactly the way you could have expected. Maybe your plans have changed, trips and events have been canceled, and now the point of the season seems lost. Still, there are ways to spend the warmer months making memories and having fun, even if things feel a little unconventional! Here are 5 ideas for how to stay busy this summer.

Looking for Ways to Help During COVID-19?

By: American Heritage05.28.20 Culture Coronavirus Pandemic
It’s easy to feel frustrated and disconnected by the new challenges and safety guidelines surrounding COVID-19. For many of us, that makes us want to find ways to help and support our community. While there may be temporary limitations to our ability to get out of the house and do all the things we used to do, there are still plenty of ways that we can help our neighbors and community. Here are eight ideas to get you started.

Know Your COVID-19 Resources

By: Holly Benedetto03.26.20 Coronavirus Pandemic Policy & Economy
Life as we were used to it has changed drastically all across the world over the last several months. For some, these changes may feel sudden, as the public opinion and government reaction to it seem to have shifted overnight. Just over two weeks ago, on March 11, 2020, COVID-19 was officially characterized as a pandemic by the World Health Organization.



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