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Donation items of baby formula, food, first aid essentials, toiletries and more fill table and boxes.

American Heritage Credit Union Associates Collect and Donate Thousands of Supplies for Ukrainian Refugees

By: American Heritage 03.23.22
American Heritage Credit Union furthered its global initiatives to support the citizens of Ukraine through an associate-led donation drive of goods and supplies for Ukrainian refugees. Partnering with Ukrainian National Women’s League of America, Inc, these donations are the latest efforts made by American Heritage to provide support to civilians in Ukraine who have been displaced or injured due to recent events.
American Heritage Credit Union Building

American Heritage Credit Union Launches First-Time Homebuyer Programs

By: American Heritage03.14.22
American Heritage Credit Union has launched home buyer programs to help first-time buyers afford and better navigate the homebuying process. The annual First Front Door (FFD) grant, as well as American Heritage’s First-Time Homebuyer Credit promotion can collectively help members receive up to $5,750 in combined grants, closing cost credits, and gift cards.
Left to right: Rafal Matusiak, President of the National Association of Co-operative Savings and Credit Unions, Brian Branch, retired President of WOCCU, Bruce Foulke, President & CEO of American Heritage, Bartosz Cichocki, Polish Ambassador to Ukraine

American Heritage Credit Union's President & CEO Performing Humanitarian Trip to Eastern Europe; Will Visit Poland to Distribute Medical Supplies and Support Reconstruction of Ukrainian Credit Unions

By: American Heritage03.11.22
American Heritage Credit Union’s President & CEO, Bruce K. Foulke, alongside Dr. Brian Branch, retired President & CEO of the World Council of Credit Unions (WOCCU), will be performing a humanitarian trip to Eastern Europe during the week of March 14, 2022, to meet with credit union leaders from Poland and Ukraine.
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