With Tax Season upon us, here are several tips and offers to help you make the most of your tax return and refund!
If you’ve gotten married in the past year, or you’re getting married soon, taxes may be the last thing on your mind. These tips can make your transition from single to married tax filing status go smoothly.
Spring cleaning is about more than just opening the windows and letting the fresh air in! Use the inspiration a new spring brings and dust the cobwebs from an area that may not get as much tidying as others – your finances.
If you’re new to filing taxes, the process can feel a little overwhelming. It may seem like there are too many details to remember and tons of jargon to decipher. But here’s the truth: If you take some time now to learn about the filing process, understand what information you will need, and have a clear plan for completing your tax returns well in advance of the April 15 deadline, it’s not so bad. You may even get to enjoy a nice refund.
Whether you’re new to filing taxes or just need a refresher, we want to help you file with more confidence and less confusion. Understanding the basic tax terms and concepts will be key to filing your return quickly and accurately – and without overpaying. So, before you file your 2019 tax return, make sure you know these nine essential terms.