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Senior couple walking their dog in a beautiful autumn park

Want a Comfortable Retirement? Start Saving Now.

By: American Heritage10.10.19 Savings & Budgeting Investing & Retirement
It’s easy to put off saving for retirement. Everyday expenses like rent and groceries take precedence over something that’s decades away. And other savings goals like a new car or a down payment on a house are more exciting (and feel more tangible) than retirement. But starting to save for retirement when you’re young will make saving enough money to enjoy a comfortable retirement much easier. Here's why.
Certificate vs. MMA

Certificates vs. Money Market Accounts: What’s Right for You?

By: American Heritage03.21.19 Investing & Retirement
A certificate or money market account (MMA) from your local credit union can be a smart, safe way to grow your money faster – and reach your savings goals sooner. Unlike stocks, both account options are federally insured, and they often pay much higher dividends than typical savings accounts. Certificates and MMAs are both good options, but they have some key difference you should know about when deciding which to choose.
Couple talking with financial advisor

Questions To Ask Your Financial Advisor

By: Investment and Retirement Center01.02.19 Investing & Retirement
Between paying off student loans to thinking about buying a home, your 20s is a time filled with change, excitement, and yes, lots of financial decisions. As you deliberate on these various decisions, securing a financial advisor may be a good strategy, one that can help you navigate these big life changes. The first step to getting a financial advisor? Do your homework and ask the right questions.



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