Books for Kids

Providing books for children and families to promote the importance of literacy.

Be a Book Buddy, Be a Hero! Give a child opportunities for creativity and imagination by becoming a Book Buddy. Every August, our Books for Kids program works to help children at local hospitals, community centers, and shelters.

For a donation of just $3, you can join the cause and be a Book Buddy. Books can be a great sense of comfort and optimism for a child in an unfamiliar situation due to an emergency or illness. To become a Book Buddy, visit Labels can also be purchased at any of our branch locations.

Since 2010, we have raised over $60,000, resulting in a donation of over 35,000 books. These books are then donated to local hospitals and community centers, along with a special donation to the “Reach Out and Read” program at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. “Reach out and Read” promotes early literacy and school readiness in pediatric exam rooms by giving new books to children and educating parents on the importance of reading aloud. Learn more about “Reach out and Read”.

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