Busia Orphanage

Changing lives of children at the Busia Orphanage in Kenya, Africa.

American Heritage provides a food stipend of $12,000 per year to cover the costs of nutritionally balanced meals for the Busia Orphanage in Kenya. The orphanage is home to 104 orphans and 150 foster children. The children range in age from three to twenty-one years old. Many have lost their parents to the HIV/AIDS epidemic. We also provide the funds to purchase a bicycle so volunteers can conduct foster home care visits. The Busia Orphanage provides a safe haven for children to grow and develop while providing the love and care they deserve.

American Heritage began its support of the Busia Orphanage in 2012. Throughout the year, the Busia Committee hosts fundraisers, including Casual Monday donations, Lunch with the Easter Bunny, and multiple gift basket raffles. Through the hard work and dedication of the Busia Committee, the American Heritage Board of Directors, and the employees of American Heritage, the Busia Committee has raised over $21,000 since 2012.

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